Here are my final pictograms I have chosen, when I have put them all together I can see that the ones featuring harsh black lines and the solid circle don't look as good as the grainy faded ones. I'm going to edit them so they all work well together as a collection.
Here are the final pictograms, they are influenced by the ideas of Hoffman and the relationship between a dot/ circle and it's background and how 'a small dot is put in the centre of a square it demands to be felt'. I also took onboard his ideas the line and how a line acts as 'the connecting link' I think this fits well as the line can be seen as connecting all the pictograms together in terms of how they look but also connecting the people together who are on this trail.
I wanted my designs to go against the rules of Otl Aicher's pictograms for the Munich olympics, they are so good they cannot be improved upon or copied therefore I wanted to go in a completely different direction. I went against his use of a grid and decided to collage in a very free way.
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