Thursday, 12 April 2018

calendar production

I came across a recycled card being sold by a shop on eBay, I chose to go with 'Via Felt, Flax, 220' as I liked the texture and subtle pattern it has. As the calendar will be displayed in people's homes I wanted it to be of good quality and blend in with most peoples decors therefore I decided on keeping the design and colours very neutral.

The description of this is:
VIA FELT - Via Felt is recycled card/paper with the structure of felt and delicate natural inclusions. Available in 220gsm.

Here is the final look of the calendar after printing it out. I have looked at ways I could potentially display it and thought about having a piece of wood which would hold all the sheets upright. However I think this product would be better displayed on a  wall as this would make it more visible and less likely to get knocked over or ruined. I have deiced to create a hook by punching a hole through all the sheets and tying them all together with a piece of string. I think the string idea relates nicely to gardening as it is often used to tie plants together and support them in their growth process. 

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