Friday, 17 November 2017

Final feedback

I had some really positive feedback for my app, most people really liked the idea and found the design appropriate and thought that the app was overall pretty easy to follow. Most of the feedback I received was how to develop the app further rather than criticism. People really liked the colour use and thought they were friendly which was a big requirement of the app. They also really liked the images used and found that viewing a lot of images made them hungry and would potentially encourage them to bake. 

A suggestion was to make the yellow squares on the recipe slides smaller and less bulky, people found them too in your face and distracting. My idea was to draw the users sole attention to this area of the slide, however if I was to develop the app further this would be something I would try and alter. Another suggestion was that some of the images are too dark and aren't very homely, I can understand this however the images displayed would be seasonal and as we are in autumn/ winter right now these recipes are fitting. 

Everyone found the logo and branding suitable for the app and thought it would be recognisable if the app was to then come a book or merchandise etc.

Overall I am really pleased with how my app has turned out and Im glad that other people like it too. 

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