Monday, 11 February 2019

Packaging Crit

The feedback I received from the crit was:

  • To keep to original logo and to try find the actual typeface used as it look nice.
  • To make the logo bigger 
  • Focus on stripping things back, simple as possible
  • Simple but still does its job like the tampons
  • The box could have another use when they have finished with the tampons to stop waste 'reuse, reduce, recycle' 
  • Create a campaign based on this: get rid of the pointless stuff (pointless plastic, pointless packaging) 
  • Simple font, no decoration
  • Rather than change colour of box potentially change the dot colour to make things even simpler
  • No pattern on the box just a block colour to keep it simple.

Overall people liked my idea and thought it was good to draw attention to the amount of harmful waste period products create as it is something a lot of people are unaware of. Creating a campaign will draw further attention to it and make people more likely to buy natracare products. 

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