Wednesday, 3 January 2018

kate illustrate

When thinking about art galleries and the pretty frames the work is displayed in there, this artist sprung to mind 'Kate Illustrate'. I first came across Kate when she did some work for finch bakery, a bakery I love and follow on instagram. Her work is very busy and consists of many doodles put together in the most incredible way. She also uses a lot of illustrated frames in her work which works really well. As you can see in the image above, when doing some doodles for a wedding shop she used frames to highlight all the different styles of wedding dress available to buy. This offers inspiration to the client as well as making a perfect backdrop for photos. 

Theres also a frame in the design work she did for finch bakery, they have a daily feature which is 'bae of the day' in this they take a photo of their favourite customer of the day and put it on their social media so it adds to their branding in this way. A lot of people go into the shop, not only to buy the cakes and goodies but to take photos in front of this popular wall display. I think it's a really unique but clever way to get their brands name out there. It reminds me of cut outs at the seaside which you put your head in and take photos with.

A bit of information about Kate:
Kate is in her 20's and is a freelance illustrator based in Lancashire, she graduated in 2015 from University of Leeds with a degree in Art and Design. During uni she started posting her work on instagram and other social networking sites, from this she gained a lot of followers and interest in her work.

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