Monday, 12 March 2018

existing bumble designs



When on bumble's website I recognised that a lot of the articles they post are very illustration based which is where I got my inspiration from to go down this root. I really like illustration and it seems the client does too. I want to combine my illustrative designs with strong typography and layout therefore I have decided to collaborate with Danii as I really like her design work and think she can bring something new to the game. She uses typography very well which is an area that I struggle in therefore I could really benefit from her knowledge. She also uses colour well and knows when to step back, as well as this I really like the way Danii embraces negative space in her design work and doesn't over fill a page. As me and Danii have both found relationships on Tinder, a very similar app, I think our knowledge in this field is also very strong and will aid our design as we know what attracted to this app and what we would look for.

In terms of colour I really like the yellow, blue and pink bumble use for their branding and I am excited to use these subtly like they do. I like how busy and interesting the pages of this article above are, there's a lot to look at and a lot of nicely drawn interesting designs. Every time you look at the front page you see something different and I think that works really well, it makes the viewer want to keep looking. Even if they don't read the content, the illustrations give them an idea of whats going on which is something I hope to do in our design work, having drawings which back up the text and make it easy for everyone to read and understand. Especially because when ,most of these advertisements are view it will be when people are in a rush e.g commuting to work therefore dont have much time to read lengthy things. However it is something they will potenttially be seeing every day providing that they use the same route to work etc every day therefore it should be something they won't get bored of looking at.

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