Tuesday, 13 March 2018

imagery design

1970s mini dresses. I really was born in the wrong era! Love this

Here are my illustrations, they are based on one of the photos I liked from my research. I didnt want to copy the image directly as I was concerned about copy right etc and I also didnt think it would fit with the design we are going for with the brand. I find illustrations a lot easier to use than actual images as they can be manipulated more and can flow as part fo the design.

The first illustration was done in my own style which is jut a basic line drawing, I really like this design and find it very versatile as more or less colour can be added.

The second drawing took inspiration from Naomi Elliott who also draws figures in a  similar way, I wanted to experiment with this style as I find it more graphics-y and potentially more suitable for our design work. I think this drawing is the one that requires most work as the faces dont feel quite complete yet, however I feel with a bit more playing around they could look really good.

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